We promote the formal and informal education of men, women, and children as essential for personal growth and fulfillment, thereby strengthening the family and society

Truth Be Told…Influence of Family is Astounding!
Even though there’s violence dotting the globe, the largest battle of our day isn’t physical. It’s a war of words. All these words are supposed to

Solutions for Today’s Teenage Sexual Problems
The other day I was attending a very heated legislative committee meeting in Utah where changes to the way state school teachers teach about sexual

Helping Children Feel Secure in an Emotional and War-Ridden World
In the United States we have a new president. Some people are elated about this and others are sorrowing. Regardless of where each of us

Is Giving a Child a Smart Phone Smart? Facts to Consider
The first cellular phone became available to the public in 1984. By 2007 Apple had made the Apple iPhone, which has since taken the cellular

The Talk
I have the privilege of being Mom to four wonderful daughters. As head of our little feminine sphere, I’ve had to initiate lots of mother/daughter
The Right Way To Teach Sexual Abuse Prevention
[[{“fid”:”150″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”link_text”:null,”attributes”:{“height”:360,”width”:480,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]This year at the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women I got a few minutes to speak about the right and wrong

Who is “Parenting” Our Children??
Three or more States are working with Planned Parenthood to form a partnership with their high schools, including about 57 high schools. The states involved

How Comprehensive Sexual Education is a Threat to our Children
In the 2014 movie, The Giver, the citizens of the ideal society were told to have “precision of language” whenever anyone didn’t like or understand what was

Utah HB 246 Dies
Comprehensive Sexuality Education will not be coming to Utah children this year. Worldwide Organization for Women is calling the defeat of Utah’s HB246 yesterday a

Are Schools Grooming Children For Sex?
Earlier this year I spoke with the Utah State School Board about the the sexual abuse prevention teaching that will start for K – 6th

Utah’s Getting It Right: The Comprehensive TRUTH about Sexuality Education
With the current Utah Legislation HB 246 that has been proposed in Utah, we feel it is timely to remind Utah that they are actually

Counter-Cultural Parenting Part 1
It really is shocking. Society is transforming tremendously fast. In the past 10 years the United States has become drastically divided as a nation on