We recognize the natural family as the oldest human institution and the basic unit of society.

Home Power – The Solution to Social Ills
Society, with all of its innovations and intricacies, has lost the vision of home power. With social and political upheaval happening around the globe, parents

Is Mother’s Day Too Commercial?
When Anna Jarvis created Mother’s Day in 1908 to honor her mother and her mother’s work meant to nurture mothers who added so much to

Marriage, Motherhood, and the Destructive Intersectional Lens
This year at the Commission on the Status of Women [CSW], at the United Nations, the topic of discussion was finding solutions for global poverty.

Let There Be Peace on Earth and Patience For All Mankind
In our modern times, patience is all but lost as our society encourages entitlement and instant gratification. Thank goodness for Christmas. Patience, one of the

Are Traditions a Source of Peace or Stress?
Traditions are much more than activities we regularly do for fun or foods we regularly eat. After all, traditions make up a large percentage of

Toxic Barbies & The Great Happiness Debate
There are times when I do things I wouldn’t normally do just because I wouldn’t normally do it. It’s a kind of self-check to make

UN Global Day of Parents Is June 1st! — Why?
Let’s Celebrate! June 1st, the Global Day of Parents, is dedicated to celebrating the impact that parents have on raising children. Not only is a

May Is For Mothers
There is an attack on motherhood. However, May, the month of flowers, birds, and life, the month that reminds us of all that we are

Today’s Complexity Demands More Simplicity
“It’s harder for children nowadays with all of the technology and temptations and bad examples”, a mother said to me at a recent conference where

Being Your Child’s Safe Place
It’s currently commonplace to see youth aggressively confronting adults when, not too long ago, that behavior would never have been condoned. And, sadly this aggressive

7 Lessons Aging Parents Teach Their Children & Grandchildren
Even though my mom and I differ in activity level and even in personality traits, that doesn’t stop me from being grateful for the many

Remembering WOW’s Founder – Nina Palmer
Obituary: A joyous reunion was held on the other side of the veil when our mother and grandmother, Nina, peacefully crossed over on September 6,