WOW is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 with special consultative status at the United Nations through the Economic and Social Counsel as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization.)
WOW, or The Worldwide Organization For Women, has been advocating for and educating families and women about the importance of faith, family, and national sovereignty since 1977. WOW has an international presence as an NGO at the United Nations and through humanitarian projects done globally. WOW advocates for motherhood as a vital and powerful influence in the world, and for the family as the foundational unit of society. WOW advocates for children, as all women have done from the beginning of time.
We partner with many other pro-family organizations on the local, state, national and international levels.
WOW has a history of advocating for:
- The Natural Family
- Religious Liberty & Religious Tolerance
- The Right To Life At Every Stage Of Human Development
- Maternal Health
- The Proper Role Of Government