Is Mother’s Day Too Commercial?2 min read

When Anna Jarvis created Mother’s Day in 1908 to honor her mother and her mother’s work meant to nurture mothers who added so much to society, she didn’t intend for it to be commercialized. Now, around the globe, the second Sunday in May, Mother’s Day brings businesses billions of dollars. Many people don’t like the commercialized celebrations of many holidays, so why is there no pushback on Mother’s Day about commercialization?

Maybe it’s because the holiday hits at everyone’s heart; their mom. Where would we be without mothers? Where would our societies be? Mothers are the epitome of duty of sacrifice for a greater good. The very act of bringing a child into the world and later raising a child is a sign of deep love. And, the fact that she does all of her mothering without ever expecting to be honored is what makes honoring her so fun and meaningful for everyone.

The WOW organization sees a deeper impact to celebrating Mother’s Day than many others. Motherhood has been disregarded, disrespected, and degraded to servitude in the minds of so many feminist ideologues. College campuses and the media preach anti-motherhood and the doctrine of SELF. But, motherhood throws the self-serving views of adulthood on their heads. As soon as a woman cares for her baby in public, she softens the hearts of the people around her. Suddenly they care about the baby. She shows the world, by her humble example what is really important; the people.

WOW doesn’t mind the stores making money on Mother’s Day, because the mothers don’t require it. It’s not a selfish holiday like other holidays are. Mothers are happy enough with a hug, rudely made pancakes for breakfast, a hand-drawn picture, or a sweet act of selflessness. Mothers want to see that their children are good people more than anything else. And, Mother’s Day gives the children that chance to show their mother that all her work to raise them was worth it. They do have good, kind hearts after all. Whether the children spend money or not to honor mom isn’t the issue. The issue is, and will always be, that they cared.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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