We recognize the natural family as the oldest human institution and the basic unit of society

Let There Be Peace on Earth and Patience For All Mankind
In our modern times, patience is all but lost as our society encourages entitlement and instant gratification. Thank goodness for Christmas. Patience, one of the

Are Traditions a Source of Peace or Stress?
Traditions are much more than activities we regularly do for fun or foods we regularly eat. After all, traditions make up a large percentage of

“All Things Bright & Beautiful” An Easter Message
WOW joins in the observance of Easter, or Resurrection Sunday this Holy week with fellow Christians around the globe. Easter is the season of victory,

WOW Teaches Kenyans About Strengthening Families
In 2015 the KCCB, Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops, in Nairobi, Kenya asked WOW to send our president, Nicholeen, to train groups of people from

Understand Your Christmas Identity
Christmas is full of symbols and characters that inspire us and that we can relate to. We all want to be Santa for someone each year,

Christian Mother’s Innovation Helps Girls Grow In Faith
At a recent mother’s event I met Sara, a mother who acted on a feeling to make beautiful dolls for girls that promote faith too.

The Christmas That Made My Heart Melt
“Look what I got for Christmas,” said my friend Megan as she held up a single serving package of crackers with a small red stick

“Say What We Want or We’ll Make Your Life H*ll”
This is an accurate sub-heading in an article, Iowa Bureaucrats Force Trans Bathrooms On Churches, Forbid Non-PC Preaching on thefederalist.com website. The article reveals Iowa’s Commission
Review of “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?”
Review by Phyllis Kimpel https://youtu.be/EH_Izul6J5M This video based on Andy Andrew’s book made a strong impression on me. It begins with asking, “How did

A Year To Remember For The Utah Legislature!
This year WOW was actively engaged in the Utah Legislature fighting to protect religious libertites, parental rights, family, and rights of conscience. There were a

Your First Freedom, Religious Liberty
Freedom of religion is the first promise to Americans in the Bill of Rights. Being first puts it in a position of prominence. It should

LDS Church Defends Religious Liberties
As you know, the Worldwide Organization For Women has spent many years advocating for religous freedoms and discouraging any law calling for “anti-discrimination” that would