We urge men and women to be an informed, involved, positive influence on issues and laws that protect family values

Happy International Day of Families
In December of 1989, the UN General Assembly Declared the International Year of the Family. The declaration came as the UN’s awareness and interest in

The Year The UN Got Cancelled!
The Worldwide Organization for Women [WOW] has been going to the United Nations CSW [Conference on the Status of Women] conference for many years. But

The Comrade Who Rocks The Cradle…
This piece about how British liberties are being systematically taken from families was contributed by British WOW members. For the last few days, we in

WOW Brings Cultural Revolution to the UN Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah
WOW has always been dedicated to strengthening families to improve life for children and future generations. This past August at the UN Civil Society conference

WOW Spreads Happiness at the United Nations
Mid March is when WOW and WOW Africa join in New York City with other faith and family NGO groups to stand up for women

WOW! Look What We’ve Been Up To!
Happy New Year! Look what WOW accomplished in 2018! 2018 started out with the WOW team fighting to protect life by meeting with many legislators

Utah March for Life
If you live in the Utah area please join us for a “March for Life” Event at the state capital. We will begin at Washington

What Is Destroying Family Bonding?
There is an international parent/child bonding problem. The world has never seen a global lack of parent/child attachment like this before. Of course, there are factors

Charlie Gard Case for Life and Parental Rights
Little 10 month old Charlie Gard of London England was born healthy, but at age 1 month old was diagnosed with a rare disease called

World Congress of Families Budapest 2017 – Report
On the Buda side of historic Budapest in Hungary, the land named for it’s conquerer Attila the Hun, under the majestic Buda Castle, where Prime

WOW at the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York
Worldwide Organization for Women sponsored a parallel event at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), March 21, 2017, titled, Family: The Girl

“Say What We Want or We’ll Make Your Life H*ll”
This is an accurate sub-heading in an article, Iowa Bureaucrats Force Trans Bathrooms On Churches, Forbid Non-PC Preaching on thefederalist.com website. The article reveals Iowa’s Commission