Why Does My Child’s School Tamper With Female Reproductive Organs?


In July, 2015 13 middle schools in Seattle, Washington decided to offer a new medical service to youth ages 11 years old and up; that’s 6th grade.


They will implant or insert birth control devices such as IUDs, which not to long ago were thought only safe for women who had already had a childbirth, into children without parental consent. 


This announcement is disturbing on many levels. 


1.  Medical procedures should not be administered to children without parental consent. The parents have the right to determine what is best for their own child.


2.  Many forms of birth control, such as IUDs and implants are not tested on young people and could cause serious health problems for their future such as breast cancer or vaginal cancers. 


3.  Schools are not parents or doctors. Children should be taken by parents to a medical doctor for a medical procedure.


4.  This is a ‘power grab’ by schools to micro-manage children and their thoughts about sexuality.


5.  To use or not to use birth control is an ethical often religiously based decision that should not be promoted by schools.  Schools who promote birth control measures are in essence promoting a code of sexual conduct and an ethic that could be contrary to the beliefs of the child’s family.


6.  If parents are not consenting to procedures such as these there will likely be many law suits that will distract students, parents and schools from functioning in their designed roles.


7.  It is not the role of schools to do medical and sexual consultation. 


Parents around the country are watching Seattle’s decision to offer sexual procedures to young girls and are speaking out.  This move by Washington middle schools will undoubtedly decrease the already dwindling trust parents have in government schools. 


More than ever before it is essential that parents teach their young girls and boys about sexual boundaries, their bodies, what is right and wrong, and what not to believe at school.  It is unfortunate that parents need to guard against schools like this, but the consciences, morals and beliefs of the children and their families are worth it. 


Watch the report FOX News did on sexual procedures in middle schools here. https://insider.foxnews.com/2015/07/06/11-year-old-girls-can-get-iuds-birth-control-school-without-parental-consent 



The article on the Family as Societal Safety –Net, published in Nigeria, This Day Newspaper of November 12, 2015, reflects the present picture of family as most people believe in Africa. Marriage as most Africans understand is a union between a man and a woman and the idea of same sex marriage is seen as foreign.

African marriage ceremonies involve elaborate traditional activities, which involve the bride and groom, the two families and the communities. Although the types of ceremonies vary from one community to another, the traditional requirement of marriage relies on the male and female aspects of the ceremony.

Though there have been many changes in technology and culture, there is very little shift in traditional African communities about the concept of marriage.  For the African, from marriage we build families. The family is the fundamental unit of society, it is said to be where our heritage begins and where we learn the basic teachings about life.

On another note, this article points out, that, as more women get educated and acquire financial independence, many mothers are working outside their homes. Both parents leave the house for work everyday.   These tendencies leave children more vulnerable to mistreatment and misdirection by some vicious house-helps or care givers.   Professional caregivers cost a lot and most parents cannot afford to meet the financial demands. The result is that most children stay longer hours with unqualified caregivers than with their parents.  It, therefore, deprives the children of the bond between them and their parents. To build strong family bonding, employers might retain more quality workers and greater productivity, if more support and time is given to employees to have access to good daycare and given more time off to attend to family obligations. Raising a family is important to the society and it necessary to pay attention to this essential duty to society.

Therefore, WOW-Africa focuses its programs on promoting healthy marriages, strong families working with parents.  WOW –Africa is on the forefront advocating for changes to traditional practices and culture to militate against women and children in various communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Parents have an obligation to establish stable families and attend to teaching the children the truth about life.

As Thomas A. Kempis writes in the Imitation of Christ, “Persons who are taught by truth and not by symbols or deceitful words are really blessed and happy, for they learn the truth in itself.  Our own opinions and lack of knowledge often lead us astray, because we do not know the truth as it is”.

The West came to Africa many years ago to teach Christianity and its gospel principles.  Most Africans listened to the message of the Christian religion, believed, welcomed and carried the good news.  Today the West has come back to Africa and with the power of the television, the radio and the internet to teach us a new version of Marriage.  Through the print and electronic media, we hear about Marriage Equality.  This remains a hard sell to many Africans as the new truth.  The result is that many African countries are threatened with discontinuation of charitable aids or projects to improve the social and economic development of these struggling nations.

African culture and the Holy Books teach us the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you”.  In other words, do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.  Africans are committed to loving others as God loves us. They are committed to establishing families as the basic units of the community. They are still committed to the original truth taught in the Holy Books.  A new concept is still a very hard pill for many Africans to swallow. 

In conclusion, as Pope Francis said during his recent visit to Uganda, East Africa, his visit was meant to draw attention to Africa as a whole, its promise, the hopes, its struggles and its achievements.  “ The world looks up to Africa as the continent of hope”

In all, Africa is indeed the continent that maintains its traditional belief and value that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman and strong families build strong communities and nations.  As Pope Francis further said in Uganda, , Africa has her promises and hopes, her struggles and achievements.

Unfortunately, clamping down on the spirit of charity because Africa holds on to her beliefs on marriage is unfair.  After all, Africa is not trying to insist on her own habits of polygamy.  We should say, live and let us live, however in our bliss or truth about marriage and community. 

Carol Ugochukwu–Executive Director Worldwide Organization for Women Africa, VP WOW-Africa

The Recipe for a Republic

Children saying the Pledge of Allegence

In honor of Independence Day of the United States

A family-friendly way to teach how a republic works!

You will need the following “ingredients”:

  • Dried beans (such as pinto or kidney beans; popcorn will work, too!)
  • Golf balls (or ping-pong balls, or cotton balls)
  • Two large cups; one labeled “Democracy” and the other labeled “Representatives”
  • A sign or piece of paper that says “= A Republic!”

In the United States of America, when we say the Pledge of Allegiance, we say, “…and to the Republic for which it stands…”  America has a form of government called a Republic.  What is a “Republic”?

The Recipe for a Republic:

1 c. Democracy + 1 c. Representation = A Republic

1) Fill the Democracy cup with beans. The beans represent “the people” = us! “We the People” govern ourselves by exercising our “voice” through the voting process.

Points you can explain:

  • Democracy: Demos = the people; Kratia = rule or govern (Greek words).
  • “We the people” are sovereign or have the absolute power to rule; the people self-govern by choosing the leaders and laws they want through the democratic process of exercising their voice and vote.  (In a monarchy, for example, the king is sovereign; the king governs the people by his rules/laws. Typically, the people do not have a voice/vote.)
  • Many people came to America because they wanted to experience a republican form of government where they could have the freedom to choose their leaders and laws.

2) Fill the Representation cup with as many golf balls (or ping pong balls, or cotton balls) as will fit. Note that there are less golf balls in the cup than beans.  That’s okay because the golf balls are representatives of “the people” (or the beans) in the first cup!

Points you can explain:

  • The word represent means “to act or speak for”.
    A representative is someone who acts or speaks for others.
  • Because America is so big, “we the people” (the beans) can’t possibly research and understand every local, state, and national issue in order to make an informed vote.  So… we elect a few people (the golf balls) we trust to be our representatives and to research and vote on local, state, and national issues on our behalf!
  • To effectively represent someone, two-way communication must happen:
    a)  We must communicate our desires, questions, concerns, ideas and suggestions with our elected representatives.  We must do our part to keep ourselves informed on basic local, state, and national issues.  This is our responsibility.  How can we effectively do this?

(Some ideas: Who represents you?  A search on the internet will provide you with websites and contact info regarding your representatives.  The internet, local newspaper, and other news sources such as TV and radio provide info on current events.  Dedicate a few minutes each day to listen and/or read!  Attend a local school board, county, or city meeting once a month or more as time permits.  When your community has a town-hall meeting, attend and introduce yourself to your elected representative.  Offer feedback!  Above all, make sure you vote for someone who will best represent you.)

b)  Our elected representatives must communicate their desires, questions, concerns, ideas and solutions with us and receive our feedback.  They must do their part to study and research the issues and attend the meetings pertaining to their elected stewardship.  This is their responsibility.  How can they effectively do this?

(Some ideas: If you are an elected representative, make sure your contact information is available on the internet and in some hard copy form – a brochure or pamphlet – in your office.  Get to know your constituents by inviting them to a town-hall meeting where you can meet them and receive their feedback.  Encourage them to call or email you when they have questions, concerns, or suggestions.  Send out a monthly newsletter via email briefly summarizing current issues on which you are working and that they need to know about.  Invite their feedback!)

3) Show the formula for a Republic again: 1 c. Democracy + 1 c. Representation = A Republic


  • 1 c. Democracy means “we the people self-govern”; we choose the laws and leaders by which we desire to be governed through the democratic process of informed voting.
  • 1 c. Representation means we choose leaders who act in our behalf and speak for us in local, state and national government      

4)  Take away the Democracy cup.  If we left out the ingredient of Democracy, what could happen to our Republic?

(Example: Could our leaders truly represent us if we do not get to vote for them or exercise our voice to communicate with them?  Could this impact our freedom?  If so, how?)

5)  Put back the Democracy cup and take away the Representation cup.  If we left out the ingredient of Representation, what could happen to our Republic?

(Example: What would it be like if the majority of the people – for example, 51% – did not like your cultural or religious beliefs, your race, or your socio economic status and there was no one to speak for you – the minority – and act in your behalf?  Could a pure democracy impact your freedom?  If so, how?)


Just as leaving out an ingredient in a recipe could result in something that we may not want to eat, leaving out or weakening one of the two important ingredients of our Republic could result in a different form of government that we may not want to have.  Our constitutional republic was designed to safeguard everyone’s life, liberty, and ability to pursue happiness.  Therefore, isn’t our republic worth preserving?!?

A Republic or a Democracy – What’s the Difference? (Does It Matter?!?)

Flag with U.S. Constitution

Identity Determines Destiny

I have a friend who was raised on a farm.  One day she and her siblings were given the opportunity to raise a calf.  They separated the calf from the other cows in the field and brought it to their home in order to care for it.  The calf lived in their yard along with the farm dogs.  It slept with the farm dogs, it ate with the farm dogs, and it played with the farm dogs.  It wasn’t long before the calf began to act like a dog.  It would even chase the school bus with the dogs!  The kids thought it was funny and harmless until the calf grew bigger and it was time to put it back into the herd with the other cows.  Once in the pasture with the other cows, he mooed incessantly at the gate to be back at the house with the dogs.  What do you do with a grown cow that believes it’s a dog?  They ended up selling him.  One can only imagine his fate.  Identity determined that cow’s destiny!

A few weeks ago, I was rifling through the collection of notes I had taken from monthly State Board of Education meetings I had attended over the past four years.  Just for kicks, I decided to skim through the notes of one of my first state board meetings in April 2011.  The following is a quote someone said in that meeting:

“The state legislature couldn’t decide during the past legislative session whether we are a representative democracy or a constitutional republic.”

“Wow!” I thought to myself.  “I know the answer!”  However, I was immediately concerned.  “Wait a minute… My state senators and representatives couldn’t decide back then what form of government we have?”  I wondered, “Do my current state leaders know?  Does it really matter if my elected leaders – and the rest of us – don’t know our nation’s form of government?”

What do you think?  Does it matter?

YES – absolutely!  It most certainly does matter!  Just like the cow who lost its true identity because it thought it was a dog, what we think we are determines what we eventually become.  Understanding what form of government we have and its proper role in our lives is imperative if we want to continue to enjoy the freedoms that our form of government protects.  If we believe our form of government is something different than what it is, we can easily lose the freedoms that we have as a result.  Therefore, if we want to preserve freedom for ourselves and our posterity, each of us needs to know what form of government we have and especially why we have it so that we can make sure we preserve it!  To believe it doesn’t matter or to believe we are something we are not could be fatal to our freedom.  And if we lose freedom in America, what other sparsely populated continent is left to which we can flee?


So what are we exactly?  A Republic?  A Democracy?  A Representative Democracy?  A Constitutional Republic?

“The Rules” of our nation – the U.S. Constitution – state quite clearly, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” (U.S. Constitution, Article 4, Section 4)  America has a Republican Form of Government which means that America is a Republic!  So why do we hear all the time that we are a Democracy?  And why did the state legislature in Utah wonder whether we are a Representative Democracy or a Constitutional Republic?


There are three important elements of a Republican Form of Government:

In the United States of America, our Republican Form of Government consists of the combination of three important elements:  Democracy, Representatives, and a written Constitution.


  1. Democracy = the people rule or govern
  2. Representatives = the people elect someone to be their voice at local, state and national levels of government
  3. Constitution = the rules written and ratified by the people which hold the power of each representative “in check” while they serve in office


A Republic is a form of government where the people rule or govern themselves through the voting process (Democracy) and elect someone to represent them at various levels of government (Representatives).  James Madison, fourth President of the United States of America summarized a Republic best when he said:

A Republic…a Government in which the scheme of representation takes place,…the delegation of the Government,…to a small number of citizens elected by the rest.”  (The Federalist Papers, The Federalist  #10)

Remember this simple and easy formula:


Democracy + Representatives = a Republic

Or, in other words, a Republic = “Representative Democracy”

Because it is human nature for those elected to positions of power to want more power often at the expense of the people who elected them, the power of each representative is held in check by a written Constitution, or the rules, which every representative takes an oath to support, obey, and defend before they serve in office.  Therefore, if we add “U.S. Constitution” to the simple and easy formula above, we have:

Democracy + Representatives + U.S. Constitution = Constitutional “Representative Democracy“

Or, a Constitutional “Republic” for short!

We the people choose representatives whose power is held in check by a written constitution!

Hopefully, you can now discover for yourself the humor in my state’s 2011 legislative session debate between those who believed we are a representative democracy and those who believed we are a constitutional republic.  BOTH are technically correct with Constitutional Republic or Constitutional Representative Democracy being the most accurate definitions of our form of government!


What’s the Harm in Believing and Teaching We Are a Democracy?  Or a Constitutional Democracy?

All three elements of our Republican form of government are critical to keep and protect if we are to safeguard our freedoms.  For example, if we believe we are a Democracy, which important two key elements have we left out?

  • Without representatives to represent us whom we choose through the voting process, how can we the people have a voice in our government?  How would having no voice in our government affect our freedom?
  • Without our written constitution or “the rules” by which we the people commit to follow, a Democracy or “the people rule or self-govern” can easily turn into mob-rule, anarchy (no rules / no ruler), and/or a few people assuming power and subjecting us to their rules (a dictatorship or monarchy) .  How could this affect our freedom?

Some are believing and teaching that we are a Constitutional Democracy.  Which of the important three elements of our Republican form of government is left out in a Constitutional Democracy?

  • Again, without our elected representatives, we the people would have no voice in our government
  • In addition, without representatives a Democracy would turn into majority rule – for example: if the majority of the people (51%) in a Democracy did not like someone’s race, religion, or political views, what could happen to the currently and equally protected rights of the minority (49%)?

It is imperative that we remember these three key elements of our Republican form of government that safeguard our freedoms – Democracy, Representatives, and our U.S. Constitution – and do our part to protect and preserve them.


Identity:  We are a Constitutional Republic!   Destiny:  Preservation of Freedom!

Unlike the cow who thought it was a dog, we must remember our true identity.  The United States of America is a Constitutional Republic or, if you like saying the longer version, a Constitutional Representative Democracy.  This is our identity as Americans, and to preserve the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity is our responsibility and destiny!

A Year To Remember For The Utah Legislature!


This year WOW was actively engaged in the Utah Legislature fighting to protect religious libertites, parental rights, family, and rights of conscience.  There were a lot of bills and resolutions this session that are worth talking about.  

The biggest topic on Utah capitol hill for the past few years has been what to do about the anti-discrimination bills that keep pushing language that would not protect religious liberties.  WOW has fought dilligently for the past three years to protect religious liberties. 

SB99, SB100, HB322, SB297 and SB296 were a handful of the bills that asked for religious liberties or anti-discrimination legislation or both.  Of these bills SB296 and SB297 passed.  This last bill was a balanced bill calling for anti-discrimination in housing and employment, but also calling for protection of religious liberties.  

During this legislative session the LDS church spoke out in favor of SB296 and SB297undoubtably making a positive influence on their passing. The ACLU opposed these bills. WOW was very disappointed that HB322 did not pass as it was a very good bill for protecting religious liberties.  

There was an exciting bill stating that parents must opt their children into sex ed. classes now.  This is a great precaution to take to protect the consciences of children and religious freedoms as well as parental rights.

HB48 passed.  This bill prevents some uses of powdered alcohol.  This is good news. 

WOW was opposed to HB391 the death with diginity (assisted suicide) bill. Luckily this bill did not pass. 

WOW was opposed to HB134 which was a homeschool tax credit bill.  We felt that this bill would potentially lead to regulation of homeschooling families in the future leading to possible violations of parent rights, and it is not a fair bill to other families who don’t have children in public schools and won’t get credits.  This bill did not pass. 

SB175 unfortunately passed.  It was a bill designed to create a school safety help line for children.  This hotline will be promoted to children.  The calls will be taken by unknown people at the University of Utah and parents will not be told if their child calls the number.  We have not been able to determine what kinds of advice or services can be offered by the unknown people at the college.  We see this bill as a very possible violation of conscience and a definate violation of parental rights to help their own children.  We felt it would be better to adopt a plan to teach children to talk more with their parents and teachers instead of take more tax money to refer children to strangers whose morals are not known. 

These were some of the big bills we watched and chimed in on.  But, there are always some kind of ridiculous bills like this one.  Did you know that in Utah code it says it is against the law to ride a bicycle with no hands?  Some things are not meant to be made into laws.  

It is important that we all stay as informed as possible so that we can stand up for the principles and values we hold dear.  

Your First Freedom, Religious Liberty


Freedom of religion is the first promise to Americans in the Bill of Rights. Being first puts it in a position of prominence. It should always be a first consideration in any reasonable and balanced legislation, and court.

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…

In a national survey testing U.S. citizens’ knowledge of their First Amendment freedoms, the  First Ammendment Center concluded very few Americans could name even one. (WOW recognizes  a comprehensive liberty curriculum in public edcucation as a beginning solution, referenced in “Faith Through the Sieve of Education,”  to this famine of knowlege. )  When the citizenry does not even know their “first right” and its special position of prominence, confusion over rights is one result. The link below tells Baronelle Stutzman’s story,owner of Arlene’s Flowers and her hope of the court’s recognition to her right of conscience. Please watch her story and pass it on.


LDS Church Defends Religious Liberties


As you know, the Worldwide Organization For Women has spent many years advocating for religous freedoms and discouraging any law calling for “anti-discrimination” that would classify certain groups that identify themselves as LGBT to be a protected class of people.  We affirm that any legislation like this would ultimately violate the religious liberites and consciences of religious or moral people by forcing conformity to LGBT ideals or desires. 

WOW supports those statements made today by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in their special press conference dedicated to understanding all people, no matter their differences, and promoting religious liberty.

“They reaffirmed that the first freedoms of religious belief and expression, speech and conscience deserve equal protection.” (Sutherland Institute) 

Elder Dallin H. Oaks called on “local, state and the federal government to serve all of their people by passing legislation that protects vital religious freedoms for individuals, families, churches and other faith groups.”  

Unfortunately, the media seems to be misrepresenting the statements made by the LDS church. Some sources are informing people that the church’s statements are coming out in favor of the proposed anti-discrimination bills in the Utah Legislature. They did not say this in their statements and it is disappointing that the media would deliberately lead audiences toward such a misrepresentation of a respectable faith such as the LDS church. 

WOW does not think it is a good media practice to falsify statements in order to manipulate audiences who have not seen the full press conference.  

We encourage all people to become familiar with the real statements made by the LDS church before engaging in any conversation or believing the media sources.  

Read the full transcript of the press conference.  Here!  https://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/publicstatement-on-religious-freedom-and-nondiscrimination 

The LDS church had an additional interview with the media on January 29th clearing up any confusion that was being represented.  They are for non-discrimination of ALL people; religious people too.  This means if there was anti-discrimination legislation it would need to include language about protecting religious liberties.  WOW fully supports this idea.  We hope people around the world will listen to this wise counsel from the LDS church leaders.  

Here is a link to the additional interview notes. 


Bread Company Exercises Religious Liberties


For 75 years Sunbeam bread, a product of the Quality Bakers Of America, has changed it’s bags just after Thanksgiving to add a picture of a little girl praying. The caption beside the girl says “Not By Bread Alone.” This caption is a quote from Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:4.  

These bread makers are bravely stating their religious view that people need more than the physical, they need the spiritual to truely live.  Jesus Christ has often been refered to as the “bread of life.” These humble bakers take His name upon them as they provide physical bread in His name.  

WOW respects and supports this kind of expression of religious liberty.  This type of faith is what the United States of America was founded upon and should be respected.  

Since it is becoming increasingly more rare for businesses to vocally support God and religion this brave action is worthy of praise.  Take a few minutes to send Quality Bakers of America a kind email thanking them for their courage and principles.  And, when you are at the store, look for Sunbeam bread and fill your home with more than just bread; with faith in God. 

Email:  [email protected] 

Video: In Honor of Human Rights Day – 10 December


December 10, 1948 the leaders of different nations, religions, cultures and political points of view came together to form the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  These rights state that every person of the world, dispite their differences, are entitled to fundamental rights that are their’s simply because of being human.

These rights protect people from tyranny and offer principles meant to defy the abuse of power over others.  The rights declare responsibilities and help preserve dignity for the human race. 

One of the human rights that should be most celebrated is the right to believe and worship in public as well as in private.  It also gives us the right to stand up publically for our beliefs and change our beliefs if we want to.  The Worldwide Organization For Women celebrates the right to believe and publically stand up for beliefs.  If this important right is ever infringed upon the oppressor must stop.

In recent years there have been distrubing abuses of this most basic of human rights.  We call upon citizens and government officals of the world to continue to respect religious freedoms and human rights around the world.  This basic respect for humans is neccessary for world peace and brotherly love the world over.

Please take a few minutes and watch this video honoring article 18 or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that shows how this important human right effects us all.  

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